What a great day!
I woke up and realized that summer is still here. The temperature
should be warm for the rest of this week and I am excited to soak up the summer for a couple more weeks until school starts. On
that note, I decided to take a drive to Twin Bridges, with coffee in hand, to spend some time in nature. No phone, no distractions and no worries.
I took a camera to capture some images which I would like to share. :o)
I was inspired to write while I was out there. Lately, I think I am discovering a creative side to me that I never knew was there. I recently read through my journal and discussed some interesting things that happened in the past with my mother that have helped me to understand myself more. Anyways, here is a poem I wrote this morning (as cheesy as it might be).
Life turns to memories and thoughts of the pastThere for an instant; not meant to lastOften I ponder and think of what wasNot living here, in the moments I love.The smell of the air, the sounds of the wildbegin to remind me of my life as a childToo often I find the future brings stressWhat has and what will won't let me restEach corner I turn, every breath that I takeLiving the moment for each moment's sakeThe past and the future bring trouble and painToo much time there leaves nothing to gainEach minute can bring these feelings toothe secret is to not let them control youLife isn't easy, not in the leastBut being here now helps me find peace.
It is amazing how wonderful life can be when you stop to realize all of the things you are blessed with and all of the people in your life that truly care for you. I know of nothing in my life which has value has ever happened when things are going easy and life has no trouble. Instead, the best things in my life have always come from times of distress, pain, and difficulty. I am trying to take every moment for what it is and be grateful for the positive things in my life, but also realize how to enjoy the pain. That's right, enjoy the pain. For it is pain that helps us to grow. Whether building muscles, healing from an injury, or even the pain of studying something that is difficult to understand. It is the pain that helps us to remove the weakness from our bodies and minds.
So, when you think that life is hard and you don't want to live life on it's terms: stop, take a breath, and enjoy the pain. It is the only way we grow.